Fixing Our Schools
Fixing our failing school system is a top priority of my campaign.
Oregon tax payers have invested the eighth most money on our schools. Yet, our schools are ranked near the bottom nationally. Our classrooms are over crowded and our teachers are under paid. The sad part is that there are politicians who want our universities to have this same model. We need real solutions to real problems.

Redeem Oregon Schools
Oregon classrooms are over crowded and our teachers are spending more time with undocumented DACA kids then our own legal students. Teachers are forced to spend more time with students who are years behind and can't speak English instead of with our kids who remain stagnant. I believe the best solution is to use the DACA money to create schools specifically designed for DACA students This would free up classroom space and help our teachers focus on our students.

Redeem Oregon Schools
Teachers Pay
If I am elected, I will create a incentive based pay scale. Teachers with the most experience as well as the best classroom GPAs will qualify for the best pay and the most incentives. This will encourage teachers to reach their students as well as teach their students.

We need common sense in our schools, not common core!
Mark Duncan
Educational Reform
Mark Duncan

Mark Duncan
How can we push for free higher learning when our free public schools are failing miserably.
The time has come to make our schools more interactive and the curriculum more modern.
Modernized Curriculum
Mark Duncan

Redeem Oregon Schools at a Glance
My plan to fix Oregon schools has many different aspects. My plan starts with creating more preschool and kindergarten classes, lowering classroom sizes at the elementary schools, creating more interactive middle schools, creating trade classes for high school seniors as well as juniors and removing the placement test at the community colleges throughout Oregon.