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My Proposals

This section is about some of the ideas that I have for the state I love.

Free Identification cards

This plan is designed to give back to Oregonians. I want to offer free ID cards to the residents of Oregon. This plan will help get people jobs, assistance, services and more every day needs that require a state ID card.

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Lowering the Income and the Property Tax

My plan is to lower the income as well as the property tax based on each counties population. Every county with less then 170,000 population will receive a 5% decrease. Every county with 171,000 to 249,000 will get a 3% decrease. Every other county in Oregon will get a 1% decrease.

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Cut the Gas Tax as well as the New Car Privilege Tax.

One of the biggest problem with doing business in Oregon is the gas tax as well as the new car privilege tax. Nearly every work site in Oregon requires gas in some capacity. Tax gas is just another way to strangle business and create more poverty.

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Uniting The Counties for jobs

There is 36 counties in Oregon. Yet, 7 speak for the other 29. We must come up with ideas that will build our smaller counties, strengthen their voices and unite them against the big city politics that hampers this state...that is exactly what I intend to do as Governor!

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Tax Reform: Programs

Tax Reform

My Tax Plan

Tax Incentives

Making a Stand

Capitalism not Socialism

Tax Reform: Programs


There is nothing more important to picking a candidate then knowing and sharing your views. Here is some of my most cherished views


I have spent many years listening to both parties lie and manipulate the people. I have seen the left get subverted by Liberalism, socialism and globalism. While the right has sold us out to big business and big pharm companies.  I am aproud Americans First Party member.


Its time to bring back the logging industries that once fed Oregon. Its time to clean our forest floors and to thin our forests to help prevent fires.


Tax Reform is more than needed here in Oregon and I will provide it as Oregon's next Governor.

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We need a government that won't tax its people absurdly and illegally. As Governor we need to scale back the government mandates and unconstitutional bills.

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Over taxation is Unconstitutional

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